
Wavelength, Time and Frequency

Frequency is denoted by [b]Hz[/b] - it is the amount of waves passing a point per second. In the image below the frequency is 1[b]Hz[/b], as 1 full wave is completed per second. [img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/deylrqt2d/image/upload/v1487892670/timeperiod_gif.gif']. Time period is measured in [b]seconds[/b] - it is how long 1 wave cycle/oscillation takes. In the image below the wave completes a full oscillation in 1 second, (but has been slowed down for easier viewing). [img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/deylrqt2d/image/upload/v1487892670/timeperiod_gif.gif']. Wavelength is denoted by [lambda] - it is the distance covered by 1 wave cycle in metres. [img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/deylrqt2d/image/upload/v1487890146/1_wavelength_ozsn1d.svg'] Amplitude is measured in [b]metres or m[/b] - it is the max displacement of a wave from the base. (Base is the grey line). [img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/deylrqt2d/image/upload/v1487890146/amplitude_ah2czz.svg'] [b]A complete wave[/b] - is a single complete oscillation or wave cycle. [img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/deylrqt2d/image/upload/v1487890146/1_wavecycle_flbfgz.svg'] The [b]crest[/b] and [b]trough[/b] of a wave - are the topmost and bottommost points of a wave. [img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/deylrqt2d/image/upload/v1487890421/trough_crest_ijn4gx.svg'] [highlight] [b]Wavelength[/b] The wavelength is directly proportional to distance covered by said wave in an amount of time. Example: [code] 1.5[lambda] = 15m [lambda] = 10m [/code] [code] 2[lambda] = 10m [lambda] = 5m [/code] [/highlight] [highlight] [b]Frequency and Time Period[/b] [code]F = 1 [divide] T[/code] F - frequency (Hz) T - time period of wave (seconds) 1 - 1 second, as they are both relative to 1 second, in some way [/highlight] [h3]Examples[/h3] [b]1) Calculate the wavelength of a wave if 5 complete waves occupy a length of 20m.[/b] 5[lambda] = 20m [u][lambda] = 4m[/u] [b]2) Calculate the period of a wave if 8 complete waves are produced in 72 seconds.[/b] 8 waves = 72 seconds 1 wave = 9 seconds [u]Time period = 9 seconds[/u] [b]3) Calculate the period of a wave if 5 complete waves are produced in 60 seconds.[/b] 5 waves = 60 seconds 1 wave = 12 seconds [u]Time period = 12 seconds[/u] [b]4)How many complete waves are produced in 60 seconds by a wave with a wave period of 5 seconds?[/b] [i]x[/i] = 5 second complete waves in 60 seconds [i]x[/i] = 60 [divide] 5 [u][i]x[/i] = 12 waves[/u]