
How exercise and drugs affect the heart

[h3]Exercise[/h3] Exercise has immediate effects on the [b]respiratory system[/b] and the [b]circulatory system[/b]. It increases: [ul] [li]breathing rate[/li] [li]tidal volume (the volume of air breathed in or out in one breath)[/li] [li]blood pressure[/li] [li]beats per minute (the contractions of the heart, per minute)[/li] [/ul] [img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/deylrqt2d/image/upload/v1486841737/exercise_ihdfdp.jpg'] Aside from that they can also increase: [ul] [li]the strength of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles[/li] [li]vital capacity (volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after inhaling fully)[/li] [/ul] [h3]Drugs[/h3] Drugs are classified in 2 distinct ways: [ul] [li]depressants[/li] [li]stimulants[/li] [/ul] The [b]depressants[/b] lower the beats per minute, as they depress, or weaken, the body's life support system, and can be fatal. The [b]stimulants[/b] increase the beats per minute, and they can lead to heart attacks, which can result in death. [img src='https://res.cloudinary.com/deylrqt2d/image/upload/v1486841826/Drugs_ed_shutterstock_114920914L_k8zmrl.jpg']